jeudi 24 mars 2011

Mutiny on the high seas

I`m afraid I must speak of a serious threat of mutiny yesterday which nearly led to Noah being hurled from the Ark and having to make his way by swimming to Mt Arrarat. It happened as I now relate
  Mrs Noah is accustomed to do her accounts by downloading and printing the bank statements from the bank`s website.  I was happily employed out of earshot putting a gate on a new fence we are erecting to allow half the sheep field to regenerate.  After about half an hour she came to find me and to ask for help.Somewhat flattered (my computer expertise can be expressed as a figure close to zero ) I followed her back to the house. It appeared that the printer was not responding and all the remedies she had tried were to no avail. `Are you sure the printer cable is connected? ` I asked. In response she made a vulgar sucking sound, which I took to refer to the proverb about eggs and Grandmothers.  I tested our the printer and I am glad to say I found the problem after some time. However a new problem, emotional rather than electronic arose when Mrs Noah realised that the cause of all her woe was that I had taken out the printer cable to load photos onto her computer. Luckily an abject apology and the supply of a cup of tea staved off disaster and I was a sufficiently practised spouse not to refer to the fact that my initial suggestion was the correct one!

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