mardi 10 janvier 2012

Keep the home fires burning!

I read an article the other day on the subject of the next ice-age. It appears these are due to subtle variations in the Earth`s orbit, plus the effect of a gradual precessing of the polar tilt of the Earth. By a process not fully understood this causes ice-ages every few thousand years and the next one is due in about 1500 years. Now that`s not long in historical terms, let alone in geological ones. I would remind you that previous ice-ages have wiped out life on Earth back to single-celled plants, very different from the heated- up periods where life, even if different, thrived extraordinarily.
  But wait, I have a crumb of hope for our descendants! The article went on to say that our increasing the carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere had already postponed this armageddon by at least 500 years and may indeed have rendered it impossible. Our `wickedness` in burning fossil fuel has saved the planet, or at least a sizable portion of its flora and fauna (shame about the Polar bear,but I doubt we`ll let it go extinct) As the event draws nearer perhaps we`ll be encouraged to burn as much as possible to help keep up the sagging temperatures. New subsidies for large cars will be announced and insulation will be banned! It`s funny how sins can become virtues and vice versa...

       Off to do my bit with a bonfire...Bye for now!

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