samedi 30 avril 2011

Sole Survivor

It`s true, friends, Mrs Noah has jumped ship and I am left all alone to care for the animal cargo and to thus assure the continuance of the admittedly limited species aboard the Ark. Before you all jump to the conclusion that she has run off with another,  I will state that we parted on excellent terms, and her temporary absence of a month is to visit with our daughter in Plymouth and to accompany her on a package holiday in Turkey. I could have chosen to go too but sun-bathing on a beach palls with me after half an hour and I become restless and hard to live with.
  I took her to Bordeaux this morning to catch her plane to Bristol where Alyson picked her up. Unfortunately La Rochelle airport doesn`t open until May to do its Bristol flights.  Incidentally this is a lost opportunity for the airlines as La Rochelle is always heaving with Brits going and coming and there must be plenty of trade for at least a weekly flight. Kim doesn`t like flying and got so jumpy she took a Zanax and probably slept all the way, the poor thing. Still, I have heard by SMS that she has safely arrived so everybody can relax.
 I shall take the opportunity to get some DIY and decorating done while I can leave the place in a disorder which would not be sanctioned under Mrs N`s supervision! So everybody will be happy doing their own thing...For a start I have mended the cat flap on the stair-door and the damage to the door itself caused by Laika this morning at 530am, for goodness sake. Yes you can well look ashamed,wretched creature! She broke out of her sleeping cage, attacked the door and the cat flap presumably to try to come upstairs. When I descended to find out what the whining was about, I found she had turned the snib on the stair-door so I was locked out of the kitchen and the only way of reaching the ground floor!  I was seriously thinking of climbing down from the bedroom window but eventually forced the door, damaging the edge of it. Oh, no,it`s not all beer and skittles running an Ark!
         Bye for now!

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