lundi 14 décembre 2015

Progress report


   Rereading my last few blogs, I feel that they are a bit self centred, but when you suffer a stroke and find your life suddenly changed and all your previously- held certainties put in doubt, it's difficult to concentrate on anything else!  In my previous blogs I had reported steady progress in regaining the use of my hand, arm and leg... Unfortunately, I have sadly to report a set-back , which has slowed things down for the moment.
  I developed a sudden crisis of arthritis in the thumb joint of the ' good' hand, which was of course not good news as it had been doing a lot of the work that the poorly hand and arm was unable to do. On Saturday after an enjoyable meal at our local Salle de Fetes for us older citizens, this pain moved up the arm and involved both shoulders and neck, very painful!it has since left the good arm ( thank goodness ) and is confined to my left shoulder, which forced a cancellation of my Kine this morning. I am hopeful it will continue its migration and go altogether, the doc has prescribed some strong painkillers to encourage this....
  Kim has been most supportive, she has even had to dress me at times, besides doing the lion's share of the household tasks without complaint. Anyway, there are signs of progress, and I hope to be able to give better news soon.

 Bye for now, tea and drugs parade calling!

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