mercredi 16 avril 2014

Geriatric Cats

I know, I know, we had resolved to accept no further additions to the crew of the Ark. However, Kim saw on Facebook that our friends John and Barbara were desperately seeking a home for their two aged cats, Atoo and Phyllis as they were leaving France permanently to return to the UK. The two cats are both nearly nineteen years old and have always lived with J and B at Potonnier. They were really despairing of finding somewhere for them and had even considered euthanasia as the only remaining option, rather than putting two such old ladies in a cats` home. A sign of real desperation as they really loved these two aged cats, the sole survivors of a more numerous troupeau.
   We were welcomed like angels from Heaven, when we called to volunteer a home, made us feel really good...We arranged to have the cats from 20th of March which gave us time to prepare. We knew there might be problems in accustoming these cats to a new home and new fellow crew-members. They were not even used to dogs. We changed the salon door for a homemade wire frame door so they could be confined but could see the rest of the household and naturally took up the rug as accidents were likely.
  They were a bit subdued at first as is only natural, but I am happy to report that they are settling down well, and go out into the cour without showing any sign of running off. Atoo in particular is becoming a very affectionate cat.  Obviously they won't be with us for very long but at least they will have a peaceful retirement here and John and Barbara could leave for the UK with their minds at rest. A very satisfactory outcome

  Bye for now, got to run the dogs!

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