mercredi 9 avril 2014

Drama in the Pulpit

   Last Sunday, a shocking event happened in our little church at Matha. Yves, our Pasteur, was in the middle of his sermon when he suddenly stopped speaking. After a moment he apologized and continued, I thought perhaps he was stifling a burp! He continued for a couple of sentences, then stopped for good, and it was evident he was not well. Several people helped him to sit down and one of our congregation, Catherine, who is a nurse called the emergency services. A rapid response car arrive in moments, then the red emergency ambulance, which bizarrely is run by the fire service in France they were not happy with Yve's condition and called in a helicopter to evacuate him to La Rochelle, they don't stint here! As you can imagine it was an emotional moment for the congregation, we prayed for Yves of course and tried to continue the service, singing several hymns

  I am happy to report that our prayers were answered and Yves has returned home after tests which have not revealed any cause for his malaise. All hope it will never recur.

 Bye for now, battery low!

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