samedi 27 août 2016

A walk in the woods- a bit alarming !

  It hasn't rained for more than a month and the daytime temperatures have been high this last week, real canicule or heatwave conditions. We have had to adapt  our lifestyle to the conditions, closing down doors and windows once the morning cool has passed. Luckily, our double glazed doors and windows serve very well to keep out the heat, so we are relatively cool and comfortable inside. As it is too hot to walk the dogs during the day, I take them out first thing at about 7.30 just after sunrise. It's not a problem for me to do, as I like getting up early but Kim is not in any condition to come at that time! It's cool and pleasant to walk up the wooded track just at the end of our road and, as I shared in my last blog, Laika is so much easier to walk with the training collar attached.
  I usually walk ' the square ' a distance of about three kilometres. This morning, as I was half way through,traversing a thickly wooded section, Rufus galloped on ahead, obviously in chase of something, possibly a deer. However, a large creature rushed out of the woods on the right of the track,and dived into the left hand woods. It was the size of a large Labrador but lower on its legs and ran nose down,unlike a dog. With some horror I recognised a wild sanglier or pig. Both dogs set off in chase and for the first time, Laika ignored the recall on her collar. I called both dogs as loudly as l could and after a minute Rufus pushed his way out of the trees. I praised him and leaded him up then took the left hand track at the junction in the direction of the chase. I was pleased and relieved when Laika too came out of the forest, neither dog was hurt, thank Goodness. It's the first time I've seen a wild boar in our woods, though I've seen traces of their digging sometimes.
   I was very pleased to get back home,safe and sound with no damage to the dogs! Phew!
    Bye for now, going to close up the house to keep cool!

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