jeudi 12 septembre 2013

The body in question

   I came downstairs the other morning to a rather disagreeable sight. On the top of the chest freezer, Lillou the cat was dismembering and eating something grey, the size of a young rat. She was just in the act of eating the body of the creature, which was grey and had rodent-like feet. Its neatly decapitated head lay beside it, a sharp, mouse-like face with large eyes and long whiskers. Also on the freezer top was its tail, not rat-like and skinny but thick and furry. Both head and tail were disdained by Lillou, together with a length of pink intestine...
   I did some research on Google and established that the deceased was a dormouse, which made me a bit sad as they are creatures which are regarded with affection. However, Margarite, who writes a blog My Rural France based not far from here speedily disabused me. She has caught 20 of the creatures recently, an absolute plague as they attack electrical wiring behind plasterboard false walls! In fact, one had kept her awake the previous night doing just that, and she was not feeling at all benevolent towawds the species. So perhaps Lillou has done us a favour, after all! Thanks, Lillou! Bye for now.

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