lundi 29 septembre 2014

Taking the P--s.

   I'll tell you what, I bet you won't see this prohibition sign in the UK!  Not only are we much more prudish than the French, who are not shy of calling a spade a spade, but it would probably not occur to 90 per cent of the English populace that we need a sign to inform us that the practice is illegal. Any policeman seeing someone doing this would take action to arrest or at least severely warn the offender. We saw this nicely designed graphic behind the hall at Sauzé Vaussais, where Kim has started going to a Zumba class on Monday mornings.
   Frenchmen regard it as their inalienable right to relieve themselves on any vertical surface and a sign is a necessity in vulnerable spots in the interest of public hygiene. In the countryside this does little harm but can be offensive in town even to the inhabitants!

  Bye for now, going to take a short walk....

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