lundi 10 décembre 2012

Talented cats!

   Now, I have said before that we have a talented crew of animals on the Ark, but a couple of items have surfaced in the last couple of days to display this very graphically. The first concerns Mrs Noah`s new laptop.
   This shiny machine, of which she is very proud is often left open on the coffee table beside her favourite chair, as closing the lid turns it off and she often wants to retain a game or occupation on which she is working. However, one of our talented cats had seized the opportunity of doing some programming on his or her own account. Whatever mysterious input was applied, it had a most bizarre effect on the laptop-- the screen picture turned upside down! It proved far from easy to reverse the damage and we thought we were going to have to call in our favourite trouble-shooter--hello Ade! However a bit of research on Google on my machine ( Kim`s was far from easy to use in reverse!) came up with several sites offering advice on this problem and Kim was able to follow the advice of a thirteen year old expert to reverse the effect. A happy outcome to a feline crime...
    The other bit of talent was shown today by the grey kitten, Storm, who is a bit under the weather today with the cat equivalent of a streaming cold. To cheer her up, we let her share a bit of a brand-new loaf we were eating and she picked up the crust between her front paws, stood up on her haunches and nibbled it as a squirrel eats a nut. I have never seen a cat do this, we were quite impressed. No photo unfortunately but will try to get one later if she adds this trick to her permanent repertoire. It`s no good laughing, Storm!

   Bye for now going to lock up my computer!

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