One of the routes where I like to walk the dogs is a track that swerves off from the cross-roads at the end of our village and mounts the slope between the tanged trees of a rough woodland. The track goes for about 300 metres, eventually emerging in the corner of a cornfield. I suppose it belongs to the farmer and is just an access track for his machinery.
Yesterday, I saw this pretty flower, and took its portrait both for fun and to identify it. I believe it is a Clustered Bellflower, Campanula Glomerata, a relative of the Harebell. I had not noticed this flower before, it is strange how plants can be there one year, then disappear giving place to new.
This short-lived little flower led me to consider how we humans can also flourish for a season then disappear into the earth that bore us, together with our works, which seemed so permanent. Take this track, beside which it had its temporary home. It is very heavily paved with stone, rather more than you would expect for a farm track serving a single field. There is a tradition here that the village of Mort Limousin is not on its original site, but was destroyed and rebuilt lower down next to the cross-roads. Might this track be an approach road or even the old village street? I can`t see any remains of houses but twenty metres away from the stone-laid roadbed is a field wall, now buried in the woodland, running parallel. Anyway, a wooden house or even a field-stone and mud mortar wall does not long survive the fall of the roof. The only other `evidence` I can offer, is that Jilly is always very uneasy going up this track and glares about, staying close to me. Can she see what is invisible to humans? Or is she just a silly ass? What do YOU think?
By for now, going to sit in the sun and avoid the cold shivers...
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