vendredi 25 mai 2012

The versatile blogger award

My good friend Jacqui at The French Village Diaries has been kind enough to nominate my blog for the above award. The rules are that you nominate in turn 15 other blogs you enjoy and relate seven interesting facts about yourself. I will admit to feeling quite flattered at the attention to my humble blog. But then I thought, wait a minute, if each nominee chooses 15 other blogs the number of nominees will increase by the power 15. That is 15 x15 at each time the award is nominated. The figures will increase as follows:-  15
   At this point my calculator gave up but never mind that`s enough. there can`t be enough blogs to go round. Over eleven million awards in only 6 removes. It`s a nice thought but in three weeks time everybody will have been nominated at least ten times and the award will rather lose its point. That`s the problem with pyramids like this, the numbers increase very rapidly indeed. So, sorry, Jax, I wouldn`t upset you for the world, but I think I`ll pass on this one , especially as I don`t follow as many as fifteen blogs

 Bye for now...

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